The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recalls:
This is a reminder that third-party testing and certification will be required for children’s sleepwear manufactured after February 17, 2011 to show compliance with 16 CFR Parts 1615 or 1616, the children’s sleepwear flammability standards.
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
According to Consumer Product Safety Commission sources, on December 15, 2010, the Commissioners voted 5-0 to publish a final rule to establish new mandatory consumer product safety standards for full-size and non-full-size baby cribs, as required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). The notice is expected to appear in the Federal Register within the next few days, along with related notices pertaining to cribs. Commissioner comments on the vote are available here. Staff responses to Commissioner questions on cribs are available here.
The Food and Drug Administration is announcing the availability of a guidance entitled “Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements - Small Entity Compliance Guide,” which is being issued for a final rule and an interim final rule published in the June 25, 2007 Federal Register, and is intended to set forth in plain language the requirements of that final rule and interim final rule and to help small businesses understand the regulations. In addition, the SECG includes several recommendations made by FDA in that final rule so that the guidance in those recommendations will be readily accessible to small businesses.
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has published notice of the following voluntary recall:
Chairman Tenenbaum of the Consumer Product Safety Commission discussed CPSC's increasing involvement in anti-counterfeiting at the December 14, 2010 White House Forum on Intellectual Property Theft. She stated that CPSC field investigators are increasing their attention to signs of counterfeiting in the marketplace, and the agency hopes to soon establish a formal partnership with the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center to pool investigative resources and be more in tune with seizures of counterfeits that may pose a substantial product hazard.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a final rule to establish January 1, 2014, as the uniform compliance date for food labeling regulations that are issued between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2012. FDA periodically announces uniform compliance dates for new food labeling requirements to minimize the economic impact of label changes. (FDA previously established January 2, 2012, as the uniform compliance date for food labeling regulations issued between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2010.)
The Food and Drug Administration has posted revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of: