CBP has issued a CSMS message stating that it has posted an A2.3.1a FAQ document. This document provides answers to questions on the new ACE ESAR A2.3.1a capabilities including new Portal and EDI capabilities specific to the filing and processing of AD/CVD entries (also know as type 03 entries) and AD/CVD Case Management. (CSMS #10-000106, dated 04/29/10, available at http://apps.cbp.gov/csms/viewmssg.asp?Recid=17888&page=&srch_argv=&srchtype=&btype=&sortby=&sby)
CBP has posted an updated version of its ACE application form. (Form, posted 05/03/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/automated/modernization/ace_app_info/ace_portal_app.ctt/ace_portal_app.pdf)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a CSMS message stating that ABI Importer/Bond Query (Application Identifier KI) queries will now return results for new bond activity codes.
The antidumping and countervailing messages CBP issues on behalf of the International Trade Administration are now only available on CBP's Web site at http://addcvd.cbp.gov. AD and CV ABI administrative messages are no longer issued.
CBP has posted the U.S. Border Patrol Weekly Blotter for April 22 - 28, 2010. The Blotter provides information on Border Patrol activities during the specified week.(Blotter, dated 04/28/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/border_security/border_patrol/weekly_blotter/0422_0428.xml)
CBP has posted updated versions of certain of its Excel workbooks containing historical information and fill rates for TRQs and TPLs. (Workbooks, posted 04/28/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/trade_programs/textiles_and_quotas/quotatariff_fill_rates/)
CBP has issued a memorandum announcing a special import quota of 14,547,758 kg for upland cotton that is provided for in HTS Chapter 99, Subchapter III, U.S. Note 6 and is entered under HTS 9903.52.94. (CBP notes that this quantity is not subject to the TRQs in Chapter 52 Additional U.S. Notes 5 through 10.) The quota period is April 29- October 25, 2010. To be counted under this quota, the cotton must be imported during this period and purchased not later than July 27, 2010. The opening date was April 29, 2010. (QBT-10-526, dated 04/23/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/trade_programs/textiles_and_quotas/qbts/qbt2010/qbt_10_526.ctt/qbt_10_526.pdf)
CBP has posted a memorandum providing proration and liquidation instructions for the 2010 in-quota (low duty) tariff rate quota quantity for tuna and skipjack (tuna), in airtight containers, not in oil, weighing with their contents not over 7 kilograms each, that is not the product of any U.S. insular possession. (QBT-10-527, dated 04/28/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/trade_programs/textiles_and_quotas/qbts/qbt2010/qbt_10_527.ctt/qbt_10_527.pdf)
CBP has posted an updated version of its TRQ/TPL "threshold to fill" list, a quick reference to monitor TRQs and TPLs that are approaching the restraint limit or have filled the in-quota (low) rate. The list is divided into two sections those that are at least 85% filled and those that are closed. (List, updated 04/29/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/trade_programs/textiles_and_quotas/commodity/trq_thresh_fill.ctt/trq_thresh_fill.pdf)
Minutes from the April 9, 2010 and April 22, 2010 meetings of the COAC Bond Subcommittee have recently been posted to CBP’s Web site. During these meetings, the Subcommittee addressed a number of bond-related issues, highlights of which include: